Monday, September 04, 2006
the circles
 This little Hurc has been following me around ALL DAY. I understand and sympathise though. It is kind of nice to have him be affectionate and curl up in my lap. What I don't like is that about an hour ago he brought inside a HUGE dead rat. I mean this sucker was ENORMOUS. Ugh, I'm just glad that it was dead, I would hate to have to chase that thing around the house, or see it skittering around my closet or kitchen. The love of a cat, ah??
I deserve it though, what with locking him out of the house for whole week while I was off in Singapore. The neighbor lady fed him, she's kind of intense but nice. I can imagine he's freaking out pretty bad these past few days. We get home friday night, late, and then yesterday the RV gets parked outside our house to get packed up. Suitcases aren't his friend, I think he's beginning to recognize them. But it's not like we'd run off and let him loose to fend for himself. I'm not that kind of owner.
He's off again, this is his hunting time. I hope he doesn't go find another frikkin huge rat, or lizard. Sometimes I wonder about that cat... No claws, but extremely profficient in catching and killing rodents. Or playing around with them so that they leave trails of blood across the hardwood floor. Hurc's smart enough to know not to use the carpet though, that's a blessing.
@ 3:35 AM