
Hurcules aka the CAT




La Jolla, California




Bathing Self

Catching Rabbits

Using the Litter Box



August 2006

September 2006

October 2006

November 2006

January 2007

February 2007



Previous Posts:



Feline Lover Blogs :


Carnival of the Cats

Knit Owl

Kitchen Mage

The Katz Meow Blog

The Cat Blogosphere


Cow Cats

Cats & Kittens



Saturday, September 09, 2006

laissez faire

Hurc is expiriencing what it's like to have a new boss. I let him up on the table, on the counter, feed him fish, and I open any door he wants me to whenever he wants me to. Wow, I spoil that cat! But he's so easy to spoil! One day, I'm going to get a video camera, and put his meow on record. He has the sweetest, most innocent meow ever heard. My last cat had one of those too, but only used it on ccertain occasion. Hurc seems not to use any other.

He's also really sweet, as far as seeming to need my company as much as I feel like I need his. Cats aren't as bitchy as some would make them out to be.

Firefly @ 11:35 PM