Tuesday, October 24, 2006
next contestant
 I realized why Hurc hasn't been as affecionate as of late. It's my fault. I don't give him room to be on my lap orr purring around my ankles. Everytime he does that "crosses between my ankles" bit, I end up kicking him accidentally and he gives me this look of "why?" I feel so bad.
But now I sit down on the couch a bit more rather than infront of the computer, and he's been super affectionate. He'll crawl up into my lap, find a comfortable position, and just sleep there till I stand up. Sometimes for hours, if I'm watching a movie or reading. It's adorable. I love it. Now it doesn't seem so bad that I'm not waking up with him on my stomach.
A negative note: The other morning, I woke up earlier than expected, and kind of stumbled through the hallway like a zombie (old fashioned zombie, not the crazy dawn of the dead ones. They be freaky) And I stepped on something squishy. I don't know quite what it was, and I'm glad that I don't. All I can do is speculate that it was some sort of entrail from a rodent. Being tired helped out with the gross factor, I just cleaned it up without reacting too much. Especially since the thing I stepped on stuck to my toe. Nice image ah?
Technorati Tags: purring, lap sitting, affectionate, rat entrails, zombie
@ 10:41 PM