
Hurcules aka the CAT




La Jolla, California




Bathing Self

Catching Rabbits

Using the Litter Box



August 2006

September 2006

October 2006

November 2006

January 2007

February 2007



Previous Posts:



Feline Lover Blogs :


Carnival of the Cats

Knit Owl

Kitchen Mage

The Katz Meow Blog

The Cat Blogosphere


Cow Cats

Cats & Kittens



Thursday, November 16, 2006

night shift

Ernie has control over the house during the day, when Hurc is out hunting anyway. At night, when Ernie is locked in the garage, the cat then takes over the house privaleges. I suppose that would seem like a fair deal, but the cat is usually only in my room at night now, even if both my doors are open. His usual time for lounging around the house is when he follows me around and sits in my lap and things. I feel Hurc is being treated unfairly in this equation.

Or perhaps it's my own wellfare I'm concerned with. It's much more pleasant to have a purring cat in my lap than a smelly dog with a lamp shade. Don't get me wrong, Ernie's a sweetie pie, but that doesn't change the fact that he smells and isn't very pettable. (how do you pet a dog anyway?? Cats you can stroke and scratch and pet or whatever. They live to have you pet them! But Ernie, he seems to live to eat. Not my kind of pet)

Anyways, the new deal is working out in the sense that I have Hurc at my side whenever he's in the house. It's nice to have him looking to me for protection. Like I got a little buddy or something.

Firefly @ 4:10 PM