
Hurcules aka the CAT




La Jolla, California




Bathing Self

Catching Rabbits

Using the Litter Box



August 2006

September 2006

October 2006

November 2006

January 2007

February 2007



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Feline Lover Blogs :


Carnival of the Cats

Knit Owl

Kitchen Mage

The Katz Meow Blog

The Cat Blogosphere


Cow Cats

Cats & Kittens



Wednesday, January 03, 2007

ball of fluff

I swear Hurc has lost weight. Everyone else says it's only in comparison to holding babies all last week. Perhaps, but Hurc feels very very light this week. It also might have to do with the fact that he goes limp when you pick him up and when you pick up a child, they're stiff and moving about crazilly. That might make him lighter... who knows.

He and ernie aren't getting on any better. Still fighting, and ernie takes every oppurtunity to try to go after him. I've figured it out: It's nothing personal, ernie's just a hunter. This morning on a walk, he was freaking out over some rabbit holes, and then took off after a bird. He's just playful. That's it.

Hurc really hasn't been drinking much water. I hope it's nothing serious.

Firefly @ 1:02 PM