Friday, September 29, 2006
life of pie
Hurculese is just fine. That night he crawled onto my bed, waking me up enough to know he was there. After a swell of happiness, I pet him, and fell back asleep.
Now the 'rents are back, and it's good to keep Hurc company when I'm gone over half the time at schewl, (rhymes with spewl, which is a word as of right now). They feed him at night when I don't get home till nine, and I still get him at night in bed when his fuzziness provides warmth and company. wOOt.
I have a cute picture of him on the roof, but I have to get it on the computer before posting it so it may take a while. :(
@ 12:01 AM
Saturday, September 23, 2006
full moon?
This morning Hurculese seemed normal, nothing so out there that I would say, "That was odd." But then at like 2:30 my friend came over, and I went to meet her at the front gate. Hurc went insane as I was leaving the house, and he followed me from a distance MEEEEOOOWING his little head off. I felt so bad, like he thought I was leaving and he didn't want me too. I didn't mind him following me, I just didn't want him to follow me all the way to the front gate, because he doesn't like too many cars driving around, but luckilly for me he stopped halway, and hid in some bushes. I thought, "good, he can go back home and I'll meet him there."
On the walk to the front, I met a lady walking her dog, and she was really straining the leash to keep him at her side. When we said hi, she apologized and explained that her dog was acting so oddly. I said it must be something in the air, because my cat had been acting weirdly too. Both her and my friend suggested a full moon. That would be all fine and good, but I just checked and there was no moon, or a 'new moon'. So it explains nothing.
It wouldn't be so bad, I really would have dismissed it, except I haven't seen my cat since he hid in the bushes. Usually he turns up at about 5:00 or so for some dinner, but he didn't. And right now is his hunting time, so there's a possibility that we just missed eachother this evening when I was out at the movie from 7:00 till 10:50. . . I don't know, I've known too many people who think their cats are out hunting, but never see them again. :( Here's hoping he appears sometime soon. I would even accept him with a twitching rat, larger than my face, dripping blood everywhere. Atleast I'd know he didn't get picked up, run over, lost, or eaten by wild dogs. I'll keep you updated.
@ 11:37 PM
Monday, September 18, 2006
hurc the social butterfly
I thought maybe I was special when Hurc and I bonded so quickly last Christmas, but I was wrong. He's just a sociable, loving cat. These new people he's been meeting lately, he treats like he would treat me. For the most part. He'll fall asleep on their feet, he'll rub up on their legs, force them to pet him, ect.
One thing he saves for me: the meow of when he wants to be fed, or let out the fron door. I feel so speical. :)
Technorati Tags: social, cat, petting, spoiled
@ 9:59 PM
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Fluff ball
 Last night, I was lulled to sleep by the melodious HACKING of my cat trying to cough up a hairball. I thought to myself, "I'm so glad I own a cat." When I should have been thinking, "Atleast he's not trying to hack it up onto my bed."
Otherwise, a headless rat was laid ceremoniously in the hall for me to find yesterday morning. Being late as I was, the maid kindly took care of the deceased rodent for me. She and I seemed not to be so mad at Hurc, and it made me appreciate her more than ever. I bet she's glad she only comes once a week.
@ 6:17 PM
Saturday, September 09, 2006
laissez faire
Hurc is expiriencing what it's like to have a new boss. I let him up on the table, on the counter, feed him fish, and I open any door he wants me to whenever he wants me to. Wow, I spoil that cat! But he's so easy to spoil! One day, I'm going to get a video camera, and put his meow on record. He has the sweetest, most innocent meow ever heard. My last cat had one of those too, but only used it on ccertain occasion. Hurc seems not to use any other.
He's also really sweet, as far as seeming to need my company as much as I feel like I need his. Cats aren't as bitchy as some would make them out to be.
@ 11:35 PM
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
how to manipulate your owner 101
Hurc is such a manipulator. Yesterday morning I was sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal. He knows that milk is in the bowl and allways wants it, he can never wait till I'm finished with the cereal and give him the remaining milk. So, his tactic for that mission, was to jump up on the table and catiously approach me. I didn't shoo him off because I like to spoil him. Well when he wasn't shooed off, hurc came over to me and started rubbing his head against my arm and shoulder. IT was so sweet and affectionate, I was all a twitter with love for the wittle bundle of fluff. Then his motive became apparent when he rubbed his head on my neck, and from there dipped his head down to my bowl to sniff it out. ....wittle ball of affection my ass... it's all a ploy I tell ya!
;) Mostly it made me laugh. THEN I shooed him off the table.
@ 3:18 PM
Monday, September 04, 2006
the circles
 This little Hurc has been following me around ALL DAY. I understand and sympathise though. It is kind of nice to have him be affectionate and curl up in my lap. What I don't like is that about an hour ago he brought inside a HUGE dead rat. I mean this sucker was ENORMOUS. Ugh, I'm just glad that it was dead, I would hate to have to chase that thing around the house, or see it skittering around my closet or kitchen. The love of a cat, ah??
I deserve it though, what with locking him out of the house for whole week while I was off in Singapore. The neighbor lady fed him, she's kind of intense but nice. I can imagine he's freaking out pretty bad these past few days. We get home friday night, late, and then yesterday the RV gets parked outside our house to get packed up. Suitcases aren't his friend, I think he's beginning to recognize them. But it's not like we'd run off and let him loose to fend for himself. I'm not that kind of owner.
He's off again, this is his hunting time. I hope he doesn't go find another frikkin huge rat, or lizard. Sometimes I wonder about that cat... No claws, but extremely profficient in catching and killing rodents. Or playing around with them so that they leave trails of blood across the hardwood floor. Hurc's smart enough to know not to use the carpet though, that's a blessing.
@ 3:35 AM